
1. Introduction

Classdoors is dedicated to the security and management of personal data for the benefit of our stakeholders, consumers, and the community at large. It is handled legally and appropriately to respect people's privacy. Consequently, we have put in place this privacy policy.

2. AIM
This policy strives to safeguard the personal information of all parties involved in our organization. This policy is intended to inform users of the fundamental principles by which the company handles personal data (hereinafter, "Personal Data") of those who visit, use, deal with, and/or transact through the website, including guest users and browsers (hence, "you" or "user").

3. Purpose and Scope
This policy explains how classdoors obtains, uses, and disseminates information about you through our online interfaces (such as websites and mobile applications) that we own or operate, such as but not limited to https://www.classdoors.com/. (Hereinafter the "Website"). Additionally, this policy aims to inform readers about how Classdoors protects data, handles data transfers, and responds to data subject requests.
Board members, directors, employees, and other third parties having access to Personal Data made available through ClassDoors are covered by this policy control, which applies to all systems.
The business is also committed to making sure that all of its employees follow this policy and any other pertinent ones in how they behave themselves. When third parties process data on Classdoors' behalf, the Company tries to get guarantees that your Personal Data will be protected consistently from those third parties.

4. Types of Personal Data collected
Personal Data that we collect about you is taken by interacting with us, the features, products, and services you use, your location, and the laws that are in effect at the time.

A. Personal Identification Data
  • Initial Name and last name
  • Job title & Company
  • Candidates Signature
  • Photographs

  • B. Identification Data
  • Social security or tax identification numbers
  • PAN card, Aadhar, Voter ID

  • C. Financial Data
  • Bank account details
  • Salary Details
  • Account information for a payment gateway
  • E-wallet information

  • D. Personal Characteristics
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Education

  • E. Contact Data
  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn
  • Telegram

  • F. Education and Recruitment Data
  • Qualification
  • Career goals
  • Work experience
  • G. Electronic Identification Data
  • Login credentials of students
  • User's IP
  • Date and time that the webpage was visited
  • Pages visited and web page navigation
  • Browser being used
  • County of website access
  • Language of the active browser
  • Words used in searches
  • Pixel tag

  • H. Inquiries
  • Personal information provided in the form, such as name, residence, contact details, and country
  • Issue of the Inquiry
  • Personal information
  • Paying info (card numbers, card type)
  • Recordings of conversations between users and students who showed interest in our program.
  • Information about your communications with us regarding maintenance and customer assistance.

  • I. User Generated Data
  • Submitted projects and assignments
  • Evaluation by peers and grading
  • Data on program performance
  • Answers to tests, examinations, surveys, and standalone tests
  • Website Cam Videos (during assessments related to online courses)
  • Posts submitted to open forums using our platform
  • Any additional details required to assure compliance with test/assessment criteria, such as areas of interest

  • J. Marketing Data
  • Your preferences for how we should contact you with marketing materials
  • Your recommended methods of communication

  • K. Behavioural Data
  • Based on your online activity on our sites, we may infer or assume some information about your behaviour and interests.
  • No payment data processed by third-party payment gateway providers is collected by us.

  • 5. Special Categories of Personal Data

    Special categories of personal data consist of information about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual life, sexual orientation, political ideas, trade union affiliations, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data. We don't gather or handle any sensitive or unique personal data. If one or more of the purposes listed below calls for "special" or "sensitive" Personal Data, we will explicitly ask for your approval to use the data in line with this policy and/or in the methods specified at the time you were asked to provide the data.

    6. Sources of data collection

    The information gathered by the business comes directly from the information given by users or from their use of our websites.

    Data Gathered from You When:

    1. Register for the many seminars, webinars, and outreach programs that we offer or the offline activities of our educational partners.
    2. Submit suggestions, finish any customer questionnaires that have been distributed, or communicate with our customer services online.
    3. View our offerings or go to our website's online pages.
    4. Visit our website.
    5. When you show up for assignments, tests, or other evaluations related to an online course
    6. When you utilize financial aid, refunds, and recommendations

    Data Collected from third parties

    Concerning your personal information that may be available with such third parties, we get personal information such as access or login information, profile pictures, or any other text or image. Using pixel tags, we also learn about your visits to our platform and other websites. Our service providers, other networks linked to our service, our advertising partners, our marketing and advertising affiliates, our educational partners, scholarship providers, analytics providers, recruiters, and other third-party sources are just a few examples of the third parties from which we receive your Personal Data.

    7. Cookies

    Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your computer and used to track visitor behavior and common internet log information. We may use cookies or other similar technology to automatically gather information about you when you visit our websites. Additionally, we might permit third-party advertising firms to set cookies on our website (like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Quora, and Bing). These cookies give these businesses the ability to monitor your online behavior across different websites where they place advertisements and keep track of your activities so they can show you advertisements they believe are pertinent to your online activity. These cookies save information about the material you are seeing along with a device- or IP- specific identification.

    How do we use cookies?

    To enhance your experience on our website, Classdoors uses cookies in a variety of ways, including:

  • To recognize visitors to our website and to improve their interaction with our website
  • We employ cookies to assist us to evaluate how well our services and website are used and performed.
  • Additionally, we utilize cookies to enhance the value and delivery of the many services and goods we provide.

  • Session cookies- They are transient and are removed from your computer when your web browser is closed. As previously mentioned, we track internet usage with the aid of session cookies.
    2. Performance cookies- We can identify and count the number of visitors using analytical cookies, as well as track how many of them navigate across our website while they are there. Ensuring users find what they are looking for, for instance, helps us improve the functionality of our website.
    3. Functionality Cookies- These cookies help websites recognize you when you return. This helps the business to produce more information for you and remember your preferences and likes.
    4. Targeting Cookies- A visit to our website, the pages visited, and the links clicked are recorded using these cookies. It assists in developing knowledge pertinent to the user's field of interest.

    How to manage cookies?

    8. Data Analytics

    We use analytics tools and search information suppliers to track how users engage with the material on our website. Additionally, we use Facebook Custom Audiences to request that Facebook display you tailored advertisements based on your usage of our websites or Facebook applications and to track how you respond to such advertisements. You may find more details on how these technologies are used by these services on the websites of Facebook, Adobe, and Google. Installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on will enable you to refuse the collection of information about your visits to our websites through Google Analytics. By going to Facebook's opt-out page, you can refuse to use Custom Audiences on the social network.

    9. Aggregated Data

    Aggregated data are records that have been stripped of Personal Data and amalgamated or otherwise altered to produce generalized, unauthenticated information. Aggregated Data does not include information about your identity or personal details. Your Personal Data is combined with other data anonymously to create Aggregated Data, which is then shared with affiliates, subsidiaries, and business partners for marketing and planning purposes as well as for internal and commercial usage.

    10. Data protection principles

    When third parties process data on Classdoors' behalf, we make every effort to get guarantees that your Personal Data will be protected consistently from such third parties. We are aware that it will be responsible for the management, regulation, processing, storage, and retention of all Personal Data stored in computer files and manual records.
    Any personal information the company obtains and retains will:

  • Be handled justly, legally, and transparently
  • Be gathered to fulfill particular, clear, and legal requirements.
  • Be sufficient, pertinent, and restricted to what is required for processing.
  • Be kept current and correct. Every reasonable attempt will be made to immediately correct or delete any erroneous data.
  • not be maintained for any longer than is required to fulfil its stated purpose.
  • Be handled using adequate technical or organizational safeguards to ensure the security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, deletion, or damage.
  • Abide with the appropriate legal requirements and protocols for the international transfer of Personal Data that apply to us.
  • 11. Legal basis for processing your Personal Data

    In some jurisdictions, we are required to have a legal basis for processing your data. Where relevant, the legal justification used by Classdoors to support one processing action may differ from the legal justification used to support another processing activity. As permitted by relevant legislation, Classdoors processes Personal Data on the following legal grounds:

  • The processing required for contract negotiations, execution, or performance.
  • Processing to satisfy statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Processing is done to serve our legitimate interests, which include our interests in doing legal business (such as improving our products and services, communicating with you, to secure our systems, among other legitimate interests)
  • The processing is required to preserve a user's or another natural person's vital interests.
  • The processing is required in the interest of the public.
  • Processing is done with your permission.

  • 12. Consent

    When we are required to do so by law, we may ask for your permission before collecting and using certain categories of Personal Data. Classdoors has the implied consent of the individual to collect or receive any more information that is required to fulfill the same goals once authorization is received from the individual to use his or her information for those purposes. If the new use is discovered, express consent will also be required.
    Consent may also be deemed provided if a user is informed about the use of his or her personal information for mailings or the marketing of new products or services and is given a reasonable opportunity to decline such use but does not do so.
    Individuals can refuse or withdraw their consent for Classdoors to use their personal information in certain ways, subject to some exceptions (such as when the personal information is required to provide the service or product or when the withdrawal of consent would prevent Classdoors from complying with a legal obligation).
    Additionally, you consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your Personal Data by this privacy policy and our Terms of Service by using this website, acknowledging this privacy policy, and willingly providing us with your Personal Data. We might not be able to give you the services that are available on our Platform if you decline or withdraw your consent or decide not to furnish us with any necessary Personal Data.

    13. Purpose of collecting Personal Data

    We gather your personal information for the following reasons:-

  • To satisfy or accomplish the purpose for which you supplied the information.
  • We utilize your information for administration and processing needs, including but not limited to monitoring enrolment, program progress, and completion. We shall utilize certain Personal Data as part of the management and processing of the Program to deliver tests, projects, and other evaluations for the Program. To validate your identification or to monitor your performance during the exam to ensure that you are adhering to the relevant testing regulations or standards, Classdoors may utilize some information it has obtained from you as part of the exam, for instance.
  • To give you updates through WhatsApp, email, SMS, phone call, or any other channel regarding the Programs, other Classdoors events, platform maintenance, and new services offered by Classdoors, among other things.
  • Services for a chat room.
  • To raise the standard of our products and content.
  • Adherence to building access, security, and other obligatory requirements.
  • Providing data to pertinent outside agencies for tax, social security, and other purposes as deemed necessary by law.
  • Surveying you to gauge your satisfaction with company procedures and policies, among other things.
  • Establishing and maintaining accounts and subscriptions with outside providers of communication or information services.
  • Choosing whether to continue participating, joining, or working.
  • Taking care of any legal or regulatory problems or inquiries involving you, our work, or other partners, employees, workers, or contractors, including workplace mishaps, possible and real negligence claims, and professional disciplinary issues.
  • To keep an eye on how our information and communication systems are used to make sure that our IT and document management standards are being followed.
  • To secure network and information security, which includes preventing harmful software from being distributed and unauthorized access to our computer systems and electronic communications networks.
  • Accounting, auditing, and insurance are all included in business management and planning.
  • Considering or planning possibilities related to the management or operation.
  • Maintaining records that are mandated by law or regulation.
  • contact you, for instance, to answer questions.
  • Enhancing the security and safety of the services, stopping fraud, or defending our rights, our customers' rights, or your property.
  • Enforcing the terms and conditions and other laws that may be relevant.

  • 14. Advertising and Marketing

    We make an effort to give you alternatives regarding how your Personal Data is used, especially for marketing and advertising. If you have requested information from us, provided us with your information, and explicitly agreed to receive marketing emails from us, you will receive those communications.
    We may make assumptions about what you might need or want, or what could be of interest to you, based on your Identification, Identity, Contact, Electronic, and User Generated Data. This is how we select the services and deals that might be useful to you.
    Additionally, we enter into arrangements with third parties to distribute our ads across the web, social networking sites, and blogs on our behalf. These third parties may gather Personal Data about your visits to our platform and your interactions with our products, and they may use that data to serve ads for goods and services. You have the opportunity to opt out of receiving electronic direct marketing communications in each communication you receive, and we will respect and honour your decision.

    15. Disclosure of Personal Data
    Classdoors shares the personal data with third parties because: -
  • To obtain licenses or permissions, to comply with applicable laws (including employment and tax legislation), and upon request during an audit or assessment.
  • With governmental entities, including tax and social security authorities.
  • To maintain an effective and financially successful business, work with suppliers, subcontractors, and service providers, such as technology, telecom, and internet providers.
  • To carry out background checks and reference checks, manage benefits and payroll, handle disciplinary and grievance matters, and keep emergency contact information with the assistance of experts, consultants, and employment and recruitment agencies.
  • To receive legal counsel from and undertake business audits with our outside auditors and legal counsel.
  • In the event of company disruptions, with service providers for business continuity management and emergency preparation.
  • To create a membership with some businesses to take part in their reward programs, payment services, or digital wallets
  • All third parties must adhere to the law and respect the security of your data, as required by us. We only permit our third-party service providers to process your data for those reasons and in line with our instructions. We do not authorize them to use your data for their purposes.
  • We may disclose your Data including grades, evaluations, or progress if you are enrolled in a Program that is sponsored or paid for by your employer or a sponsor, or if you have received financial help from a third-party scholarship source.
  • With your company, sponsor, or scholarship provider in the program. It is possible to disclose this information at any point during the program or after.
  • On a strictly confidential basis, we grant access to or share your information with operations and maintenance contractors, as well as other third parties, who carry out tasks on our behalf. They offer us a range of services, such as billing, sales, marketing, test proctoring, courier services, mentoring, recruitment consulting, product content and features, advertising, analytics, research, customer service, data storage, security, fraud prevention, credit facilities, payment processing, and legal services, among others.
  • We distribute certain documents and Personal Data to third parties, such as but not limited to service providers
  • To provide you with services that you have requested or services that Classdoors provides in conjunction with the Programs, we exchange some Personal Data and materials with third parties, such as service providers like Facebook or WhatsApp, but not only.
  • Help plan and organize networking events for Classdoors' past, present, and future students.
  • May provide third-party business partners, such as organizations who might be providing goods or services or other opportunities that might be of interest to you, with information that can be used to contact you directly.
  • To third-party business associates

  • 16. Data subject rights

    In some jurisdictions, people have particular rights about how their data is processed. This applies even though these rights could also be valid in other countries if you or any of our subsidiaries or affiliates with whom you interact are located in the European Union. These rights are not universally recognized and they may not always be applicable. Depending on the law that applies, you might be entitled to:

  • Access your data by requesting it.
  • Requesting that your data be corrected (should your Data be inaccurate, incomplete, or obsolete).
  • Ask to have your personal information deleted.
  • Revoke your authorization for processing (where we processed Personal Data based on your consent). Please be aware that you can only withdraw your consent for present-day processing.
  • You have the option to opt out of processing your data.
  • Ask for limitations on how your data is processed.
  • Request for your data to be transferred to you or a third party.
  • select transfers to third parties that you can reject.
  • Write to us at dpo@classdoors.com if you want to exercise a right you think you may have under the law.
  • Before we fulfill your request, we might need to confirm your identity.
    Please be aware that specific terms relating to the processing of your rights may change since data privacy laws vary considerably between nations. The law that applies to the rights you exercise will determine how we respond to your request and how we proceed with processing it. We reserve the right to reject requests if they are unreasonable, repetitious, demand disproportionate technological effort, endanger others' privacy, could jeopardize an ongoing investigation, or are just not feasible. We have a policy of never treating you differently because you exercised one of these rights.
    Regarding how we processed your Personal Data, you may have the right to file a complaint with a data protection body. Please get in touch with your local data protection authorities for additional information.

    17. Our Policy on Children’s Data

    We value the privacy of children's data. Children aren't permitted to use our sites. Varying countries have different requirements for when a user qualifies as a child. The minimum age for minors to give their lawful permission varies by jurisdiction. For example, a child is defined as a person who is 16 years of age or under GDPR, but a kid in the UK is defined as a person who is 13 years of age. In Singapore and Qatar, the legal age to give permission is 18 years old.
    Our business does not, as a general rule, collect, process, store, utilize, disseminate, or transmit the Personal Data of children.
    If such a collection is required to carry out our contractual obligations or when required by the relevant law, we will notify you in a timely and appropriate manner, explaining the justification for the collection and requesting your express consent and, if necessary, parental permission, before processing the data.
    By the conditions outlined in the legislation of the relevant jurisdiction, we shall take the necessary actions to remove any Personal Data of children that have been gathered on our website without verifiable parental consent as soon as we become aware of its existence.

    18. Data Security

    To guarantee a high degree of protection for Personal Data and a secure environment for information maintained both manually and electronically, Classdoors will make sure that the proper technological and organizational measures are in place, accompanied by privacy impact and risk assessments.
    Classdoors puts in place the necessary security measures to stop the improper or unauthorized processing of personal data as well as the unintentional destruction or damage of personal data. To prevent, identify, contain, and remedy violations of the security management policies and procedures put in place to safeguard the privacy, integrity, availability, and security of your personal information, Classdoors maintains written security management policies and processes. These policies and procedures include a risk management program with periodic risk assessments, defined accountability and responsibility assignments for data security, a risk management program, and a suitable framework of controls.
    Additionally, employees at Classdoors are required to adhere to the following organizational security policies:

  • Ensure that all confidential documents and written material are stored securely and that only those with the right and need to access them can access them.
  • Make sure that no confidential documents or written information are left wherever unauthorized individuals could access them.
  • Verify the accuracy of data entry into computers regularly.
  • Always be cautious while using the passwords provided to access the computer system, and do not share that access unless it is essential.
  • To ensure that Personal Data is not displayed on screens when not in use, utilize computer screen blanking.

  • Except as authorized by [insert information], Personal Data should not be stored or carried on laptops, USB sticks, or other similar devices. When Personal Data is stored on a device of this type, it should be safeguarded by:

  • Ensuring that only necessary data is recorded on such devices
  • Using an encrypted system, a folder should be created to house the files that require additional security, and all files generated or moved to this folder should automatically be encrypted.
  • Preventing laptops or USB devices from being kept in plain sight where they could be stolen.

  • The Company's disciplinary process may be used to deal with employees who violate its data security policies. Depending on how serious the failure was, dismissal with or without notice would be an appropriate consequence.
    We also take steps to make sure that when processing your Personal Data, our service providers, contractors, and other third parties adhere to the same standard of data protection. While we make every effort to protect your personal information, please be aware that no security measure can be 100% effective. Classdoors will not be held responsible for any misuse or loss of personal information committed by a third-party cloud service provider.

    19. International data transfers

    The majority of the servers that power and run our website are based in India. Your Personal Data may, however, also be held on third-party data servers situated in other nations where Classdoors offers its products and services due to the worldwide nature of the company.

    To facilitate our product and service offerings and to provide support services to you, Classdoors works with subcontractors, service providers, and other third parties. As a result, your Personal Data may be transferred to the servers of these subcontractors, service providers, and other third parties. Depending on where our service providers are located, your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside of your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those of your jurisdiction.

    Furthermore, where necessary for legitimate business purposes, your Personal Data may be shared, disclosed, and transferred throughout the various ClassDoors Group entities. When required by applicable legislation, we shall formally request your approval before making such transactions. By agreeing to this policy, you also give Classdoors permission to transfer your Personal Data to Classdoors' related businesses, service providers, or any other third-party organization anywhere around the globe. We take steps to guarantee that such Personal Data transferred is given a level of data protection comparable to this policy.

    Classdoors will adhere to all applicable legal requirements when transferring your personal information overseas. If necessary, we will also enter into a data transfer agreement with the recipient of the personal information, which, in the case of European Personal Data, may include the Standard Contractual Clauses. We will engage in separate Data Processing Agreements with the third parties, service providers, contractors, and other receivers of Personal Data in other situations and as necessary. Furthermore, the Company is making efforts to prevent enormous, disproportionate, and indiscriminate transfers of Personal Data to any public entity that would go beyond what is required in a democratic society. If there are any inconsistencies between these and the demands of public authorities, the company will come up with a workable solution that satisfies the goals of this Policy.

    We pledge to take all reasonable measures required to ensure that your data is handled securely and by our standards for data privacy and security.

    20. Records management

    The term "records management" refers to a group of tasks necessary for methodically regulating the production, transfer, use, preservation, and disposal of recorded data kept as proof of company transactions and operations. Without strong records management policies and practices, it is impossible to comply with information legislation. In addition to ensuring record quality and ensuring that Personal Data is only retained for as long as necessary to fulfill its original purpose, good records management procedures also assist in data minimization.

    21. Organization and Responsibilities

    As required by law, Classdoors will keep records of data processing.

    The "Data Protection Officer" (DPO) is specifically tasked with managing data protection and making sure we abide by the appropriate laws and data protection policies. The DPO will see to it that the Data Processing Register is kept up to date and serves as a record of how our operations abide by the data protection principles. Each employee has a responsibility to do their part to ensure that our practice appropriately reflects the measures listed in the Register.

    A designated governance committee will routinely check our adherence to pertinent policies and legal obligations concerning data protection as part of our data management strategy. All Classdoors employees, volunteers, consultants, partners, and other individuals handling Personal Data shall receive the necessary training and supervision.

    The Data Protection Officer, the Governance Group, and any pertinent business area will routinely examine the collection, storage, use, and sharing of Personal Data. Where applicable norms of conduct have been identified and deemed appropriate, we will abide by them.

    When processing poses a significant danger to an individual's rights and freedoms, we will first conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) and, if necessary, engage with the appropriate supervisory authority before processing.

    22. Conflicts of Law

    This Policy is meant to abide by all applicable laws and rules in the company's operating nations as well as in the location of its establishment. This Policy shall take precedence over any applicable laws and regulations in the case of a disagreement.

    23. Retention of Personal Data

    We only keep your personal information as long as it's required to fulfil the purposes for which it was acquired. The duration of Personal Data retention is determined by the purposes for which we collect and use it as well as any time that may be necessary to establish, exercise, or protect our legal rights, comply with relevant laws, or both.
    The permissions listed here can be used by users. Additionally, if it turns out that we need to keep such data for a longer period, we will ask for your permission beforehand. If the original reason for collection is no longer applicable, we may also delete the data before the time of retention is up.

    24. Procedures

    The Company has taken the following actions to safeguard the personal information of important stakeholders that it either has or has access to. It designates or hires workers with designated duties.

  • Data processing and data control.
  • The thorough examination and auditing of its data protection policies and practices.
  • Examining the accuracy and reliability of all the data that has to be secured.
  • For each of these various functions, there are distinct lines of accountability and duty.
  • So gives information and training to its staff to help them understand the value of protecting personal data, how to do it, and how to handle it discreetly.
  • It can keep track of every piece of personal information it has, including where it came from, whom it was shared with, and potential recipients.
  • It conducts risk analyses as part of its review processes to find any weak points in the way it handles and processes personal data and to take action to lower the likelihood of errors and possible security breaches. The method includes a review of the effects of the Company's use and potential misuse of personal data.
  • It understands the value of getting individuals' consent before collecting, recording, using, disclosing, storing, and keeping their Personal Data, and it routinely examines its protocols in this regard, including the audit trails required and adhered to for all consent decisions. The Company is aware that consent must be freely given, precise, well- informed, and clear. When necessary, the Company will ask for particular, individual consent. Complete details about the actions for which consent is requested will be provided. Relevant parties have the unrestricted, absolute right to revoke that permission at any moment.
  • It has the necessary tools for identifying, disclosing, and looking into alleged or confirmed Personal Data Breach cases, including Security Breach cases.
  • It is knowledgeable about the effects of transferring personal data globally.

  • 25. Breach notification

    When a data breach poses a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the company will notify the appropriate supervisory body within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, and it may report the breach in more than one installment. If there is a high likelihood that the breach may put that person's rights and freedoms in danger, that person will be notified immediately. The Company will notify the public right away if the breach is serious enough to need it.

    26. External Links on our website

    We may, for your convenience, offer links to websites run by businesses other than Classdoors ("Third Party Sites") that we think you may find interesting. If we don't have a valid reason to do so, we won't give your Data to these Third-Party Sites. We don't support and aren't accountable for these Third-Party Sites' privacy policies. You should read the privacy statement on the other websites before choosing to visit one of these Third-Party Sites to learn how that website will be collecting and using your Personal Data.

    27. Use of this website and our Terms of Service

    Classdoors owns this website. The Platform and Classdors’ programs are used under our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. By way of reference, this Privacy Policy will be deemed to be a part of the Terms. You agree to these Terms of Use by using this website and the information provided on it.

    28. Updates to this policy

    Our privacy policy may occasionally be updated. By publishing the updated Privacy Policy on this page and/or sending out an email, we shall make a reasonable effort to notify all Classdors entities, customers, business partners, and other data subjects affected by the changes.

    29. Data Controller/ Company Details

    The organization that will decide how your data is used and who is in charge of deciding how it holds personal information about you is referred to as the "Data Controller" (i.e., Classdoors). The entity that will be the controller for your data depends on the circumstance where your Personal Data is acquired because Classdoors is made up of many legal organizations.

    30. Data Protection Officer

    The company has designated a data protection officer, who can be reached at the information provided below, in line with all applicable laws and rules-imposed provisions of this act: -
    Identity: Mr.
    Contact information: dpo@Classdoors.com